Who stayed up till the wee hours then to watch the BMX finals? I set my alarm but the blumin thing didn’t go off.
You’ve got to feel for Shanaze Reade, sitting comfortably in silver medal position coming into the last corner, then tagging Anne-Carolines back wheel and going down hard on the tarmac, shattering her Olympic dream.
Reade had the snap from the gate and led going into turn one. We reckon she might have been a touch cautious on turn one since she crashed hard there during qualifying. Chausson dived through low on the inside taking the lead. Reade kept on Chaussons back wheel for the next two straights. Coming into the last corner Reade was a bike length behind and appeared to attempt a block pass. Reade tagged Anne-Caro’s rear wheel and ate tarmac.

Reade spread eagled on the asphalt in the final
Afterwards she said:
“Why settle for silver?” she said. “I put absolutely everything into this, my heart and my soul, everything since the age of 10.
“You don’t train as hard as I do for silver. It’s about the gold or nothing.”
Watch the race on the beeb here.
Big Mike is happy because his favourite Jill Kintner bagged a bronze medal.
1/ CHAUSSON Anne-Caroline
2/ le CORGUILLE Laetitia
Mens results
2/ DAY Mike
Jared Graves run of bad luck continued with another wipe out on turn two during the final.
full results here.
The Beeb i player has a full 54 minutes of BMX coverage, clickety here to watch.