This Sunday saw the first Chicksands 4X gate practice session of the year. The all new start system worked an absolute treat, and was broken in good and proper during a monster four hour session. With a mixture of elite riders, locals and the odd BMXer rocking up to lay it down, the atmosphere was laid back and a lot of fun.
Now things are up and running, gate practice will take place at Chicksands on most Sunday’s for the foreseeable future. For confirmation before you make the trip, drop an e-mail or pick up the phone and get in touch with Tom Dowie, the man in the know.
With the growing ranks of BMXers moving over to 4X (Liam Phillips anyone?), the snap is going to be more important than ever this coming 4X season.
Tom is also offering coaching sessions seven days a week, at just £25 an hour. I’ve seen him in action and he knows his stuff, and as a World Cup 4X racer, he has the skills to back it up.
For more information on gate practice and/or coaching give Tom a call:
t: 07881503882
For more information on Chicksands Bike Park click here