Think Sweden think Abba, Roxette, blond haired nymphomaniacs and also a mass start downhill race, the Avalanche Trophy at Are.

The race is on 6th, 7th September so hurry up.
Cheap flights to Trondheim are still available plus the Avalanche Trophy guys will shuttle you to the race from the airport.
Check out the Avalanche website here for more details.
Contact Cathy if you fancy a Swedish adventure.

Two typical Swedish girls sharing some chewing gum, you could share some too if you go to the Avalanche race at Are.

Abba famously used to race their 6 inch travel bikes down the side of Swedish mountains after a gig.

Why not hire a couple of Swedish Volvos while you’re there and rag them around abit?
Here’s the timetable:
Friday September, 05th
14 h 30 – 19 h 00 : Riders reception, Administrative control: race plates, registrations.
10h – 17h30 : free trainings
Saturday June, 06th : Qualifying races
08 h 00 – 12 h 30 : Riders reception, Administrative control: race plates, registrations.
Race plate complusory for a free access to the lift
08h30 – 12h30 : Officials Trainings
All riders must be on the start line 30 minutes before his departure time to be positionned on his line
14 h 00 :
1st qualifying – positionning race – N°1 to 100
14 h 30 :
2nd qualifying – positionning race – N°101 to 200
15 h 00 :
3rd qualifying – positionning race – N°201 to 300
15 h 30 :
4th qualifying – positionning race – N°301 to 400
15 h 45:
Lady race N° 401 – 450
19 h 30 : Results of qualifying races – Favourite riders presentation
Stikers withdrawal (it is a letter that you get depends on you rank during your qualying race andyou have to stick it on your race plate)
ID or licence compulsory to withdraw the letter.
Sunday September 7th – Maxiavalanche
09 h 15 Riders positionning on start line according to line letter.
10 h 00 : 1st Race start for Europe Cup: 152 riders qualified
10 h 10 : 1st Race start for Europe Ladies Cup
10 h 20 : 1st Race start for Maxi Promo Europe
13 h 15 : Riders positionning on start line according to line letter.
14 h 00 : 2nd Race start for Europe Cup: 152 riders qualified
14 h 10 : 2nd Race start for Europe Ladies Cup
14 h 20 : 2nd Race start for Maxi Promo Europe
16 h 30 : Results and Awards Ceremony
Avalanche Trophy at Are in Sweden