Greg Williamson is the current British Champion and, at only 24 years old, there’s plenty more to come from this young Scot.
Greg changed teams from Trek to Cube last year and ended up scoring his hottest World Cup season ever. He was barely out of the top 20 all year and finished 16th in the overall.
We sat down with Groundskeeper Willy to chat about mountain biking past, present and future
What achievement are you most proud of?
“Becoming British Champion”

Give us a story from your wildest moment in mountain biking?
“So, I had this sweet little drop outside my house, I rode it everyday, then when I got my first (2nd hand) MTB, I was out messing around then went for the usual drop. As I landed, the headtube snapped clean off which turned into a straight face plant.
After about a week or two later I’m out on a borrowed MTB with my scabs still healing from the first crash. I spot a sweet little ramped up grass bank, so go to send it, compress, and as the fork tops out on take off, the stanchion separates from the lowers. Lo and behold another face plant… this time leaving me with me some more gravel rash.”