The first session of 4x training kicked off last night, the main news was that Michal Prokop took a spill on the last turn, rumours around the pits are that he’s knackered his collar bone, bad news if it’s true.

The Boxxer World Champs take place tomorrow after the DH, can Gary retain his title?

The media is here in force in Sun Valley, with very big cameras and very small ones like the Parkin boys remote control cable cam.

Talking of cameras, everbody has been laughing at my bright pink camera (last minute purchase at the airport), then I met Cam McCaul (taking it easy between comps) and he had a Pinky too. Style , you’ve either got it or you haven’t.
I’m not saying it’s rough around here but the local shops sell spikey, sharp things and the cops all walk around with big guns.