This week’s T-shirt of the Week is Rat Race.
Phew, all that overtime, all that stress, not to mention the endless commuting and traffic jams, can’t be bothered with it myself. If life really was a race then I don’t mind being the one at the back, strolling along, eating a porkpie. On your marks, get set, NO!
Penned by the talented Adam Hayes, especially for howies.
Available in white for men and women.
As always to win this beauty all you’ve got to do is answer the easy peasy question below.

To win this weeks rat special simply tell me the name of Roland Rat’s side kick, a picture will get you more points.
As ever send your answers to together with your address and tee shirt size. (that way we can post the tee out asap)
howies tee shirt of the week competition