One obvious name missing from the Rampage start list this year was last year’s Best Trick winner Sam Reynolds.
No one was quite sure at the time why Reynolds didn’t want to drop in but he confirmed last night that he just didn’t think it was safe. Fair play to Sam for making the call and we have nothing but respect for him for pulling out.
Even the easiest line down this year’s venue was as hard as the most technical line down last year’s and the exposure was insane – we can’t have been the only ones with hearts in our mouths as Brett Rheeder tripodded round the first berm.
Sam said in his statement: “Sorry for letting down anyone who wanted to see me ride” but in our mind he has nothing to apologise for. We’ve all seen Sam send it at the FEST Series so if he doesn’t think it’s wise to drop in there must be good reason.
Saying “no” can’t have been easy for Reynolds but there’s no sense in hitting Rampage unless you’re feeling 100 per cent, especially as conditions deteriorated throughout the event. It’s a shame we didn’t get to see his line but sometimes it takes more guts to walk away and fight another day.

Here’s Sam’s full statement from Instagram: “A lot of people have been asking why I didn’t drop in at Rampage this year and I’ll be totally honest I just didn’t think it was safe! The top was so dangerous with 100ft cliffs off each side and I just wasn’t up for risking it.
“The decision was not an easy one but hope everyone understands. Sorry for letting down anyone who wanted to see me ride and especially my dig crew @deakinator1 @ryanza671 for building such a cool line that no one ever got to see! Thanks to all my awesome sponsors and friends for supporting me too no matter what!”
Hopefully Sam gets back to killing it in the FEST series as soon as possible and can come back to Rampage and stomp it next year.