Five shots from Irish snapper Victor Lucas from a wet Thursday at Bromont.

Ali Beckett [Ben Reid’s mechanic] and Simon Citati [road
manager for ironhorse playbiker] discuss strategies for squeezing 30 people into one EZ-up so they can stay out of the storm.

Marc Beaumont whistles his way down the first rock gully.
This is the chicken run round a massive north-shore huck which had to be closed today due to rain damage.

Josh Bryceland likes to keep warm and dry in his nice puffa
jacket. Unfortunately it didn’t come with braces to keep his pants up.

Julien Camellini got a fancy new haircut which took a very
long time, it must be working though as he was going quick today.

Nathan Rennie ploughs on regardless. Unlike Julien, he
didn’t get a new haircut yet, as he’s still growing it out after the last one.
Bromont: Victor’s 5-a-day