


I remember Lee was on one of the trails roadtrips we did a few years back, he was promising then but after that seemed to disappear for a bit, what happened there?

Yeah he had to start full time work and was working loads of crazy hours so riding for him took a back seat for a while.

It seems like Ralph been around for a while now so it’s easy to forget that he’s still a young’un, you think he’ll stick with it?

Now he’s getting closer to 18, which will be when the real test begins because of cars, work, girl/boy friends in Ralph’s case, going out, etc. There are a lot of distractions. But yes I would bet a good proportion of my life savings that he will stick with it. The boy has passion for digging and riding.

Watching these two ride it’s easy to see elements of your own riding in both of them, but with some clear difference between each other, how would you compare the way’s in which they’re progressing?

They definitely both have their own unique styles. I would say that Ralph has less fear than Lee and is more than happy to hit a new jump, line or new spot without any hesitation and normally get it good first go. Lee is a bit more laid back and takes it easy when comes to riding new stuff, but then his 10 years plus on a bike show through because his bike control is outstanding. They both can go past 90 degrees and high as hell. Their riding normally always makes them stand out at any trails.

When you were at their stage who did you look up to riding wise?

I have always looked up to a lot of BMX trail legends like Brian Foster, Mike Aitken and Chase Hawk. But I also used to enjoy watching Digs (legend) from Wisley and Steve Geall (also legend) ride. The reason being that they all ooze bike control and just made riding look so awesome.

It seems to me like the MTB trails scene is a little thin on the ground these days?

Yeah it has died on its arse a bit, many reasons I guess, but maybe partly that trails are not good venues for spectators and as downhill and slopestyle are made into a big events with lots more advertising and sponsorship, unlike trails, which isn’t documented so much. I think people like to watch riders go big or crash and everything is on a bigger scale, I expect people aren’t so keen when it’s a plot of wood of the side of a main road! Also with trails it requires a lot of manual labour, which the youth seem to be less and less keen to help with.

Do you think it has a future?

It does, I just don’t know how ‘big’ it will ever get. I’m sure there will always be riders willing to put the effort in to build and maintain the trails, it’s just a shame more don’t.

Are there any (mainly) MTB trails spots or riders that really stand out in your mind?

Yes if we’re only talking MTB then there are a lot of good spots, like Wisley, Moos or Brockham trails, so they do exist. And if we’re just taking MTB trails riders that dig more than they ride, and are complete trails bosses then my top five are Johnny Faulkner, Chris Hinckernickel, Luke Cullis and of course Lee and Ralph who are badass as well.

Actually a lot of people reading this will be a little confused as to the difference between ‘Dirt Jumping’ and ‘Riding Trails’, care to explain?

I would say that dirt jumping is a line of jumps (normally straight) built with the sole purpose of sending it, and doing stunts, like at a contest. Trails generally consist of much longer lines with lots of berms, rollers and hips. Riders normally get plenty of satisfaction just ‘riding them’, but I find If you are doing the stunts on them it can be more rewarding as the jumps are normally more technical.

Thanks for your time Jim, anything else to finish with?

Just that trails riding is a small niche segment of MTB and most of the time it goes un–recognised in plots of land all around the country. Also that it’s because of most of the riders I have mentioned that it still exists. I’d like to say a big thanks to all riders and diggers that keep what is left of this scene alive. And thanks to DMR for sticking with me even though I have been off the bike for so long.

If you’re reading this and thinking ‘what a load of bullshit, our trails scene’s healthier than ever!’ then good, I’m hoping to be proved wrong, please get in touch as it’d be awesome to see more MTB trails spots get some exposure!
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