the best mountain bike dropper seatposts of 2014
It’s crazy to think that only a few years ago if you mentioned the idea of running a dropper post to someone they’d have laughed in your face. Pointless, waste of time…those were just some of the things that would have been said in response to your ludicrous suggestion. Then, thanks to the combination of some decent dropper seatposts offerings, and events like the Megavalanche, the dropper post suddenly started to become less ridiculed. At first people thought you might just use one for a specialist race like the Mega but then take it off for regular riding, but it wasn’t too much longer before we all started to realise how much better they could make almost any ride, and now we are at the point where many riders consider them indispensable.
Of course there a still a few riders out there who claim that they are an unnecessary waste of time, but I’ve yet to find someone who thinks that after actually riding with one. We genuinely feel that dropper seatposts are one of the most significant developments in mountain biking, and we now wouldn’t want to be without one on our trail bikes. Not all dropper posts are equal though, there’s definitely been plenty of chaff in with the wheat over the years, but thankfully there’s now some healthy competition going on, with three models in particular standing out for us.
So, without further ado, here are our dropper seatpost recommendations for 2014.