We caught up with 2009 NPS Elite overall winner and 2Stage rider Tom “The Meat” Deacon and fired him twenty questions. We should of asked him why he is called “The Meat” but maybe his pig tongue peeling job had something to do with that, anyway read on to find out more…

Name: Tom Deacon
Nickname: The Meat
Age: 23
Where do you live? Shrewsbury
First Bike? Some little red thing with white wheels. It was a rad little thing until the handle bars got rusty and snapped going down the bank outside my house.
How long have you been riding bikes? It seems like as long as I can remember. I have always been on some sort of bike but I’ve been racing for 9 years.
How did you get into Downhilling? My brother and I raced xc for a year then Rob decided to make the change to downhill so I naturally followed him.
Do you have a day job? Not through the summer but I will have for winter.
What bike do you ride now? I was with 2Stage Bikes this year and have raced on their Elite 9.
You are 2009 NPS overall winner, how did it go? That was really cool for me and not something I really expected. I was consistent which I guess paid off in the end. I didn’t manage to win a round though which sucks. Crashing at round 4 and still getting 5th was probably my chance but it didn’t happen. Next year hopefully!!
You raced World Cups in 2009 to, tell us about that? The World Cups started really well! I had a 21st at La Bresse which was my best finish yet and on a track that I loved. Then at Fort Bill my tyre blew off the rim in the finals and at Maribor I had some problems as well so it all kind of flattened off. Unfortunately I couldn’t race anymore wc’s after Maribor so I only had 3 finishes but there was definitely a lot of positives to take from the early races and I learnt a lot. I’m excited about next year though, 5 races in Europe is going to be awesome.
Have you had any nasty injuries? Just broken wrists but nothing for a while luckily.
What are your Winter plans? Get some work in to put towards the funds for next season and get some good training done. Gotta make sure I’m fit next year!
Can you 360? Ha ha I’ve landed a few yeah but I think I’ve hit the deck more times than not!!
When was the last time you upset your neighbours? Not my neighbours but my friends. We had a leaving party last week because my mates gone to uni. The neighbours weren’t too stoked on it though cos it was a Wednesday night.
When was the last time you scared yourself shitless? Crashing down the trails on Monday. When I whip my one foot comes off the pedal a bit but this time the other foot slipped off as well so I landed 90degrees and no footed which quickly turned into a big old head plant a the bottom of the bowl.
Tell us something funny that has happened to you? There is one that springs to mind but my mum might read this!!
Favourite place to ride? I can’t name just one but my favourites are Schladming, Morzine single tracks or down the trails with a load of mates.
What’s the worst job you ever had? I worked in a meat factory a few years ago. Just a summer job but my days consisted of peeling the skin of Ox and Pig tongues. It was rank!!
Top tune you are listening to? I just downloaded the new Pearl Jam album.
What does the future hold for Tom Deacon? Hopefully lots more riding and travelling to amazing places with my bike. Each year is different and you get to go new places and meet new people so I can’t wait see what goes on next year.

Entering the British National Points Series with a 9th placing in 2008, Tom Deacon had a lot to prove. Deacon applied for sponsorship with 2Stage Bikes, a boutique manufacturer from NZ with a unique twin suspension system.
Peter Evans, 2Stage UK Manager, explains, “We wanted to give Tom a bike that we knew would be suitable for all UK tracks and conditions. We were really keen to see him achieve his goals on our Elite9 downhill bike.”
Tom Deacon, 22, approached 2Stage Bikes in late 2008 stating that his goal for the year was to “finish top 5 in the national ranks and ride some rad new tracks.”
2Stage kitted Deacon out with their top downhill racing machine and let Deacon prove the technology to the detractors and sceptics out there.
“Tom has proved that our bikes and our technology are ideal for the range of terrain that UK Downhill has to offer,” says Evans.
It’s been an exciting season for Deacon racing in the NPS this year. Starting
out on a 9th placing, Tom Deacon moved steadily up the ranks over each race to eventually take out the top spot for this series.
“I am stoked to take the national series overall, it finished my season off perfectly!” says Deacon. “It’s been a good year on the new team and my 2Stage has proved consistently fast through out the year. I am already looking forward to defending my title and riding with the number 1 board next season!!”
2Stage Bikes are also celebrating with Deacon. Such impressive results are sure to bring some welcome attention to this small manufacturer from New Zealand.
2Stage will be opening their sponsored rider applications later this year. Expressions of interested are accepted via their website at any time, www.2stagebikes.com