Win thehowies t-shirt of the week.
This week’s t-shirt of the week is ‘Hold On Tightly’. Designed by Tim March and Aron Jones.

Beliefs about who we are, what we are and where we are going sometimes can be millstones around our necks.
Sometimes holding on to them is the last thing we should be doing. So be good to yourself and believe something better, let go of the stuff that doesn’t work and fly somewhere else.
Available on Poppy for women and Night for men.
To win this weeks tee simply tell me…tell me anything…my brain is fogged…I can’t think of a question…just tell me anything…best anything wins.
As per the usual send your answers on a postcard of Blackpool Pier to Billy including your address and tee shirt size.
Last week you had to send me things you had made, the winner was Jamie Cuthill from Berkshire who said “I made this paper model of Link from Ocarina of Time. On reflection I should have been riding rather than carefully glueing bits of paper together.”

win a free howies mountainbike tee shirt like steve peat wears