Ok, this month we’re going to have a skidding competition. Come on, we all love to do skids, it’s just sooo much fun, plus it’s the only bike trick I know how to do. The deal is you send us a short video documenting your best skid, it could be the longest, loudest, biggest rubber stain, whatever….oh and if it’s funny too even better. The winner will win a pair of Maxxis Highroller Supertacky tyres courtesy of MMAsports.
All you’ve got to do is, film your mate skidding, upload it to Mpora then send the link to Billy@dirtmountainbike.com
James Tennnant and the gang from Skyline, with a few skids.
Pat Burkin’s two year old burning some shoe rubber
Here’s Ed from Dirt trying to burn a bit of rubber, actually I think he’s going for the longest skid.
This is my skid, Victor Lucas taught me this one, i forgot what he called it but it made me laugh at the time, anyway I know you lot can do loads better, so send them in.
dirt skid competition