“I feel 10 years younger!” More muddy corners in one film than you’ve ever seen before.
Photos: Ben WInder
This isn’t a review, but the premiere of Dirt Magazine and Tom Caldwell’s ‘A Slice of British Pie’ (SBP) took place last night (Saturday March 12th) in Bristol’s awesome bike shop Mud Dock. A sell out crowd settled down to watch 30 minutes of ‘very British’ aggro DH style trail riding. This was spit and sawdust two wheeled action at its best.

Film maker Tom Caldwell has managed to capture the spirit of the past and bring it right up to date. Perfectly for us, his style is heavily influenced by the early Sprung and Earthed series of mountainbike films. These films showed mountainbiking in a fresh and un-sanitised way. Whilst modern day filmmakers are all about drones, super slo mo, massive pans shots, etc. … they sometimes miss the essence of riding (not always)… which is just basically having a blast.