

Show us how obsessed you are with the Whistler Mountain Bike Park

Start OBSESSING here:

Here in Whistler we know that everyone from the trail builders to the patrollers to lifties are obsessed with the Whistler Mountain Bike Park. These people live and breathe the Park – they not only want to ride as much as they can, they want to make the Park the best in the world.

Then there are the kids that ride the Park everyday, and the guys & girls that scrimp and save all year just to spend a few days on the mountain and then there are all the others that just dream of one day ripping down A-Line.

Starting May 18th we want you to show us your obsession with the Bike Park. The type of submission is up to you – photos, video, animation, whatever you’re feeling… just stay within the size guidelines in the rules and regs.

Submissions will be reviewed by the Whistler Blackcomb Bike Park Marketing Team as they are submitted and uploaded to the site. Throughout the month, the public will vote on the submission they think is best. At the end of the month (March, April, May & June) a prize will be awarded to the submission the Whistler Mountain Bike Park representatives deem the best. Submitting the best Obsession creative is not the only way to win, there will be draw prizes for anyone that has entered and anyone who fills out the online voting form.

Check it out:

Here in Whistler we know that everyone from the trail builders to the patrollers to lifties are obsessed with the Whistler Mountain Bike Park. These people live and breathe the Park – they not only want to ride as much as they can, they want to make the Park the best in the world.

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