Five photos from Victor Lucas at Mont Sainte Anne World Cup. Photographers or fishermen (if you’ve read the latest Dirt) are sometimes slackers. Take today for instance, the first day of practise at Mont Sainte Anne, the track is wet and muddy as hell. To walk up and down it all day is exhausting. Victor is not stupid he hiked a little way down from the top and set up camp next to this rock drop. He set his camera kit up, unpacked the trangia (the alcohol burning portable stove) got a brew on, cooked himself some breakie and just sat and waited. The top 80 took their time in coming down, Hill only did three runs.
Here’s Victors catch from the rock drop. Incidently I watched this spot earlier and saw numerous wipeouts. As you landed from this drop the thick gloop sucked you in and spat you over the bars.

Brendog has been riding a lot of motocross recently. He reckons it’s going to help him at Mont Sainte Anne this year. Check out his interview here.

This is the first race back for Matti Lehikoinen after squishing his knee on the cheese grater at Fort William. The knee is fine now and the Fin is back on form.

After disapointment on the last corner of the British National champs Gee Atherton is looking to get back to his winning ways.

Barel has been a bit quiet of late, we expected a bit more from the Frenchman. He should be feeling at home here in French speaking Quebec.

Luke Strobel is also back from injury, a broken scaphoid at Sea Otter. Strobel has been the most consistent USA racer of late and the only Rockstar sponsored downhiller.
mont sainte anne world cup