The latest news from Moos, one of best dirt jump spots in South Wales, which is under threat of closure.
Have a read of what Dan Jones says below and if you think you can help save this amazing spot then drop him an email.
Latest news from Moos.
Things have moved on a bit recently, initially we thought the trails were going to be ploughed but it seems not to be the case.
Looks like we’re going to be given the chance to present our case for Moos to the council executives. Environmental impact seems to be the biggest problem and we should soon see the environmental report which will give us an idea of what we need to do to mitigate the issues.
Until we get this report we can’t really do much, but we need to be able to show the council that there’s lots of support for the trails and that they are worth saving. So we’re looking for people to send us letters of support addressed to the council which we can pass onto to them. It doesn’t matter if you’re not local, if you’ve ridden Moos or even just follow the blog we need you to let the council know why its important to save the trails.
If you’re interested in helping then please send an email to me at and I will send you more info about what you need to do. Also if you have any other advice or expertise which could assist us then let me know.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our facebook page for updates:!/groups/192662447451871/
Also check out the Moos blog