Marie-Pierre wasn’t wrong with her prediction of rain. It pissed it down all night. Here’s what it looked like at 9.00am this morning, as you can see (or can’t see) the start is shrouded in mist.

Moto foam and spikes seem the order of the day. One team manager told me he had no spike tyres and would have to make the two hour return trip into a local bike shop in Quebec to try and score some.

The vans round here have big big engines and are very thirsty. This is the dashboard of Kenda/tomac mechanic Jason’s van. You can see here that she’s on “V8 economy mode” giving a fuel consumption of 99litres per 100km, thats 1km to 1 litre or about 5 miles to the gallon in old money. It would probably cheaper to run it on extra virgin olive oil.
Mont Sainte Anne: Thursday Weather