18 year old Matt Jones sends a huge double back flip on the massive step up over at his local spot Woburn. How high does he go?! Looks nuts to me!
Find out a bit more about Matt Jones below.
Who is Matt Jones?
I’m 18 years old and riding bikes is my passion, in the past few years my focus has been set on dirt jump riding for fun and competitively.
Where do you live?
In Woburn, Bedfordshire.
What’s your job title, do you even have a real job?
I guess I’m just a mountain bike rider, as that’s my job at the moment! So yeah, it’s pretty cool to say that my job is being a freestyle rider!
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
Probably mowing lawns and cleaning cars around my village, although it was worthwhile at the time!
Where’s your favourite place?
Probably Thailand, I was lucky enough to go there with family a few years ago and it’s an awesome country.
Photo: James Webber.
Where’s your favourite place to ride?
When they are running well, and the work has been put in, Woburn (my local trails) is probably my favourite place in the world to ride!
When are you happiest?
Probably when I’m on my bike, injury free, and everything is going to plan. It’s not often I have a day where everything went perfectly but those days are the ones I live for!
What makes you angry?
Anything that comes under injury, flat tyres, arguments, bad food, not enough good food, and slow internet.
What makes you happy?
None of the above. But a combination of good weather, something exciting, and some babes. Haha!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
One memorably piece of advice is to not peak too early, which has helped keep my current interests more important to me than trying to control the future outcome.
What are your extravagances?
I like to eat out a lot, and do fun stuff other than bikes, anything to get a buzz really.
Who do you admire?
People who don’t care what others think!

Just to give you an idea of the size of this booter. Photo:James Webber
What’s the most important thing in your life?
Delving deep into my list of priorities, I’d say that my health is number one, because the fun things that I do stem from that, but support from family and sponsors is what keeps the wheels rolling no matter what so that comes close second!
What would you never throw away?
The receipt for headphones, those things never last a week!
What’s your greatest fear?
What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
Open my eyes.
What’s the last thing you do at night?
I’ll keep that between me and my laptop…haha!
What would be your dream meal?
TGI Fridays, full rack of ribs with an ice cream sundae afterwards. Tooooo good!
What things do you always carry with you?
My arms, and then my phone. I genuinely feel like life would be hard without a phone these days.
Do you have any regrets?
Not too many regrets because most mistakes I’ve learned from, but probably rushing into new things too fast would be a thing I’d like to have done differently!
What’s the most important lesson that you’ve learnt?
Probably to do my own thing and see where it takes me, because it’s cool to idolise people’s lifestyles but it might not be right for you!
If you could have dinner with three famous people (dead or alive) who would they be?
Dane Searls, Travis Pastrana and Tom Pagès.
Photo: James Webber
Who is your favourite rider?
There’s two that I can’t choose between I’m afraid, Andreu Lacondeguy is my favourite for his insane, but unique way riding like no other. But also there’s Jimmy Pratt who has the best style and riding style I’ve ever seen!
What’s your favourite bike product of all time?
Suspension! It’s saved the day more times than I can count.
What’s your least favourite bike product of all time?
The headset
What’s your favourite motto or saying?
What saying do you use too much?
What bike are you riding at the moment?
A Saracen Amplitude ALX with Halo Wheels and Kore components
What was the last magazine you read?
The latest Dirt, well I looked at all the photos.
What are you listening to at the moment?
My laptop shit itself, and my twin brother talking to the XBOX.
What one thing would you change about yourself?
My bank account balance.
What are your weaknesses?
Interview questions, guitar hero, and saving money.
What does the future hold for you?
I’m hoping that I can continue my success and raise my profile internationally, meet awesome people and see the world through my sport.
What does the future hold for dirt jumping?
I feel like it’s on the up! With the sponsors backing slopestyle in particular, I feel that the future is looking big for freestyle!
How would you like to be remembered?
Hopefully as ‘that easy going and decent fella on the Saracen’.