

Brook MacDonald Interview | Endtroducing

We get inside the brain of Kiwi World Cup rider and new Trek World Racing team member Brook MacDonald.

Read on to find out more about the fearless, Zoo mag reading, Yellow Snoot Funk listening, Floyd Mayweather inspired New Zealander downhiller.

(We’ve got a big feature with Bulldog coming up in the next issue of Dirt Magazine, number #133, out at the end of the month. It’s a goody alright!)

Brook “Bulldog” MacDonald. Photo: Trek World Racing.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Never really had a bad job. All the work I’ve done I’ve enjoyed.

Where’s your favourite place? Of course it’s New Zealand but second favourite is Europe.

Where’s your favourite place to ride? Whistler or Queenstown.

When are you happiest? Riding my bike and having fun.

What makes you angry? I don’t really get angry, only maybe sometimes when someone I don’t like beats me.

What makes you happy? My family, friends and racing my bike

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Never give up at what you have been given in life

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever given? If you love something that you do stick at it and never give up because in time it will all pay off.

Who do you admire? Probably Jamie Ridge haha! She’s a  New Zealand model and pulls it off pretty good.

 What’s the most important thing in your life? Friends Family and my job

What would you never throw away? My job.

What’s your greatest fear? I don’t think I have any fears.

What was your luckiest escape? Probably at the Pietermaritzburg WC in South Africa. I over jumped the hip step down, but got away pretty lucky with that one!

What’s the first thing you do in the morning? Have a pee and look out side to see if it’s a nice day, haha.

What’s the last thing you do at night? Brush my teeth

What would be your dream meal? I don’t know, I’ve tasted a lot of stuff, maybe a five course meal at the flashiest restaurant in the world.

What things do you always carry with you? Wallet, phone, laptop, headphones, passport

Do you have any regrets? No regrets at this stage.

What’s the most important lesson that you’ve learnt? Don’t judge other people by their looks.

If you could have dinner with three famous people (dead or alive) who would they be? I would have to go with Muhammad Ali, Floyd Mayweather and Jessica Alba.

Who is your favourite rider? I would have to say Sam Hill, Sam Blenkinsop and Steve Smith must be something to do with there first names always looked up to these riders as they have all ridden flats or still are and killed it on them!!

What’s your favourite motto or saying? Live everyday like it’s your last.

What saying do you use too much? Haha I don’t know? I don’t notice saying anything too much?

What bike are you riding at the moment? Hmmm…just got new one, top secret though.

What was the last magazine you read? Zoo Mag.

What are you listening to at the moment? Yellow Snoot Funk  by HomeBrew,  they’re a New Zealand band.

What one thing would you change about yourself? Train like Floyd Mayweather.

What are your weaknesses? Concentrating sometimes.

What does the future hold for you? I hope to stick at my riding and own and invest in some properties.

What does the future hold for mountain biking? Hopefully something good soon, its pretty strong at the moment but would be amazing to see it a lot stronger in the next few years and more media exposure.

How would you like to be remembered? Just as Brook MacDonald or Bulldog.


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