Happy April Fool’s day everybody. I’m not clever or witty enough to invent a jocular prank or ruse so I’ll just stick to posting some flotsam washed up from the World-Wide-Super-Highway-Of-Internetz.
Nitro Circus Live – World First – Special Greg – Special Flip. It’s getting more like gymnastics everyday!
Philbert’s Phriday Photographer
Philbert has said it before and he’ll say it plenty more times in the future.
Girls and wheels really are the best things in life…I loves ’em I do.
So when I spot a photographer who shoots girls and wheels they immediately go on my bookmark bar under “Photogs”.
When the pictures are beautifully composed, transport me into another world and make me wanna buy a bigger house with empty wall space to hang their pictures on, then they get filed under “GoodiePhotogs”.
At the moment there are less than 20 photographers in the goodie folder and this next guy is the latest to be added.
His project “It’s Better In The Wind” makes me wanna ditch everything and ride my bike forever.
Scott G Toepfer is his name…check it out…you’ll be glad you did.

From Ffffound.
One of the most random vids I’ve seen for a while! Your New Zealand Wakatipu Wednesday correspondent Jimmy Carling explains all:
“A few weeks ago I heard of the plight of an old Daisy in Skippers Canyon, who had died and laid herself to rest (rather inconsideratley) right in the middle of the Skippers Canyon pack track trail that Vertigo Bikes guide their punters down. An attempt was made to shift her down a bank with some cheap and nasty cord, but she was too heavy. So the next thing I know Tim Ceci (Vertigo Big Dog) rings me u and leaves a voicemail…
“Jimmy C, how you doing, I got some beef with this cow in Skippers, I’ll give you a big pat on the back if you could mooove it, and without wanting to milk it, could you take a video and send it into Dirt? If you succeed I’ll shout the beers down the pub and we’ll get proper leathered. Does that per-suede you?”
One Tirfor winch, a bent waratah, two bloodied strops and a short video later, we had laid old Daisy to rest in the valley floor. Job done. Enjoy the vid.”
Kriss Akabussi sex stories. Click the image.I’ll say no more. Apart from. AWOOOGA!!!
Holy 36″ wheels batman!!!
Your token Friday educational post. Isn’t space AMAZING!!! (Click photo)

The only bird that gets paid an owly rate.
Gymkhana Kenny from the Block losing it on a real rally stage.
From Todd Seplavy: Libian Rebel from the Beach Cruiser Division.
Lil McKell gigolo

Your having a Giraffe aren’t you?

Tidy tattoo.
Right for today I just want song titles with “Fool” in the title.
I’ll start things off with the Stone Roses-Fools Gold…
…and the Who-Won’t Get Fooled Again.
Double brownie points for Dirt Dee. Aretha Franklin:Chain of Fools.
That’s all for this week folks, hope you have a foolish day and a super duper weekend!