Famous Birthdays today include Mr sugar himself, Henry Tate-1819, American Beauty star Thora Birch-1982 and Don’t Worry Be Happy man Bobby McFerrin-1950.
We’ll start this weeks randoms with a lovely happy song and video of a baby monkey riding backwards on a pig…say no more!!!
Take it away guys…
Baby Monkey (Going Backwards On A Pig) – Parry Gripp
(Thanks to somebody on last weeks comments for suggesting this beauty, sorry forgot your name James !!!)
More Ski Videos
Check this. A couple of skiers who’ve never mountainbiked try and learn back flips…believe it or not one of the dudes, Banks Gilberti, lands it on just his second attempt over the chippings!!!
Philbert’s Phriday Photographer.
Some photographers don’t need an introduction and today’s is one of them.
But Billy said the whole point of this is to give an intro for those who maybe aren’t in the know, so here goes: BLAKE JORGENSON
What’s that Billy?? You say that’s not enough!??
Ok, how about this:
If I had to make a top 5 list of my favorite photographers then Blake is firmly on it.
I could be wrong but I believe his work has featured in DIRT mag and if it hasn’t then there has been a HUGE oversight.
Blake seems to be able to do no wrong no matter what he points his lens at and every image is full of emotion, a story and intrigue.
Each one seems to pop out from my screen and the details in some is incredible.
He conveniently opened his own gallery at the Westin Hotel in Whistler a couple years ago so the next time your in town it is in your best interest to take a look.
I’ve said enough now, it’s time for his pictures to do the talking.
Maths, doodles and infinite camels, infinite elephants…learn the art of the infinite doodle…it’s ace!
A middle East version of the Dukes Of Hazzard sponsored by ATS tyres.

Lost…Lionel Ritchie…if found, please keep.
If you’ve ever wondered what all those strange modes on your camera do, this may answer your questions.

Could the last one to leave please close the door?
Just saw this beast and thought “Wow! That looks like it’d be a hoot round a muddy oval”
Australian Mark Monea lands the first ever 360 front flip in Freestyle Moto X history.

Bear Grylls diary notes.
Let’s have them folks…post up your weekend anthems…I’ll scoop out the ones I like.
Jason G…Beastie Boys – Sabotage
Pat…The Rural Alberta Advantage – Frank AB
John March…Winning – a Song by Charlie Sheen
That’s all for this week, have a great weekend what ever you’re doing whether that be racing, jumping, digging, dancing, drinking, goofing about or just resting up on the sofa. Enjoy!!!