Filthy48 isn’t a two day soiled laundry exhibition as the name suggest, it’s more of good-time-riding-chillin-jumping experience.
Here’s what they say:

“filthy48 has always been about good times, riding and chillin’ out. We’ve been doing it up north now for three years and thought it was about time to let everyone else have a slice.
Simply put. You turn up to ride, it’s a jam session all day with a few comps thrown in and we finish it off with a live band. We’ll have a heap of throwouts plus a load of demo bikes for you to try out too.
Right now we’re just confirming dates and venues, with 4 events planned to run one weekend in each month from May through to September. Entry for each day will be standard enrty prices for each venue (which means if you’re a member of the venue you get in cheaper). If you want a chance to win one of the comps (and these range from best rider of the day to best crash!) you’ll need to get a wristband on site for £3. So all together a pretty cheap day!
If your bikes built for dirt jumping then you’re in – no matter what size wheels you’ve got – 20″, 24″ or 26″.
Keep an eye on the site as we’ll be updating it as and when we get confirmation from venues.
ROUND ONE is at CORBY SKATEPARK – ADRENALINE ALLEY on Saturday 17th MAY with VANILLA POD (TBC) starting off the tour. “
Filthy48 hits the road