A quick heads up about this weekends 661 Mini Dh race.
661 MINI DOWHILL RACE – Chicksands Bike Park – Bedfordshire
Mini downhill is the new fun exciting way to race downhill.
You get loads of practice 2 race runs, a good laugh and topped off with top product and cash prizes.
Date: Sunday 8th July 2012
Location: Chicksands Bike Park, Rowney Warren Woods Bedfordshire
Rowney Warren is situated next to the A600 just north of Shefford
Chicksands is a Mecca for all types of mountain bikers from XC, Dirt Jumpers, DH, 4X and
Free Riders with 100’s of riders turning up every weekend.
” There are hundreds of people who ride at Chicksands that have never raced”. This is
because you have to drive hundreds of miles into Wales or Scotland, so we have brought the
race to you”
The event is open to any one to try downhill. The course is fun and following to ride but a real
challenge to ride flat out on the limit.
Chicksands is the place for a big crowd of people & photographers to watch you race.
Tell your friends and get your bike ready!
- Top names from UK Mountain biking are taking part in the pro am race.
- The riders will be competing against the clock to get the fastest time.
- Two timed runs the winner is the rider with fastest time.
- The course is around 30 to 40 seconds long.
- This makes the race really intense where every single second counts.
The course is tweaked and groomed to make it as fun, flowing and a real challenge for this
one off event.
Race categories
Product prizes to top three in each age category
All the age categories from 10 year old Rippers to the Pro-Am – open to any experienced racers, Pro, semi pro any one who wants the challenge of this intense type of racing.
Practice 9.00am – 11.00am
Race Starts (2 x runs) 11.00am – 3.30pm
Prize Presentations 3.45pm
SixSixOne products for top 3 in each age categories.
Entry limited to only 200 riders. click here to get your entry in now
For more details or discuss the event contact:
Chris Roberts email minidownhill@nakedracing.com
Phone or text 07540 723254