“You be a dickhead on the internet, we’re gonna fight you.”

Sick! have been going less than a year but they’re already catching a load of attention thanks to their unique and spiky approach to social media, great t-shirt design (most of the Dirt editorial team have put our hands in our pockets for some) and radical bikes.
So far, the business has been largely funded by the mad scramble for the boys’ random, limited t-shirt drops but with all of their Gnarcissist steel hardtails sold out for 2017, it looks like bikes may soon be the main source of income for Sick!
The boys brought the (now shelved) Have Blue prototype full suspension bike over to Monmouth for a phtotoshoot but time, and a rancid hangover, prevented us from getting any words on camera. Instead, we nipped down to Jordan’s Occult tattoo studio in Worthing for a full debrief on the Sick! philosophy.
With four frames already in the bag, it’s a great start for a brand that see themselves as the successors to Orange and Evil. Whatever happens, it’s not going to boring.