Words: Tahnee Seagrave
Photos: Moonhead Media
It has got to that time of the year where the cold, crisp air of the off-season is no longer refreshing and nearly passing out on the rowing machine every other day becomes severely boring. The withdrawal symptoms from no longer slapping dusty turns are getting… slightly worrying. Vitamin D and bikes are something I genuinely need in my life.

Only recently have I started riding my hardtail (Transition PBJ) more in the skatepark and getting comfortable on it. I’d only hit my first (and only) small set of dirt jumps a couple of months back.
If I’m honest, La Poma hadn’t always appealed to me but I booked a trip anyway. I was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone with this one, and I weirdly liked it. I was chatting to my pal Manon when she mentioned her and Vero were planning on going to La Poma too… complete coincidence! We booked our trip together, all mega excited.