

Sam Reynolds Interview

Szymon Nieborak sent us over these great photos and interview with DMR rider Sam Reynolds. You might have already seen it on Pinky but it’s worth checking out again.

Sam Reynolds… Well known dirt jumper from the United Kingdom who rides for DMR. He has proven his mad skills winning ‘King of Dirt’ twice in a row. I have met with Sam, earlier this year and shot a few photos. Take a look and read what he has to say about KoD, his daily life, plans and dirt jumping scene…

Greetings your majesty, King Reynolds… I think, I can call you this after two wins in a row at the “King of Dirt” contests… How does it feel to triumph over other rivals? From what I know this competition really boosted up your career?

Yeah it was the first comp I ever did and won the pro category first time! I was on a frame deal with DMR at the time, but after I won they promoted me to full team!

Yes, so we can say that KoD has been lucky for you. Now, after 2 years of being a professional rider for DMR, tell us all how it came about?

I met Mike Smith (former DMR rider) up at my local trails one day and he invited me to an article for a UK bike mag, basically it was unknown riders vs pro riders and I ended up winning! Then DMR hooked me up with a Transition frame, then as I said, I won a pro round of King of Dirt in 2008. 2 Years later I’m still super happy with everything and hope to ride for them for many years to come!

What are the best advantages of being sponsored besides getting all the bike parts for free? It’s not all about the free stuff, I know that you are currently testing a brand new frame – “dmr 898”. Tell us about that.

I work real closely with the guys at DMR, most of the new products are all developed with input from us team riders. The new 898 frame is a good example, it’s everything we wanted in a bike: super light, super strong and a super short rear end!

What’s your daily routine like? Do you have any special schedule for training or is it pretty random sessions with buddies? How and where do you learn new tricks – do you use foam pit?

8.30- Wake up, get some breakfast, usually toast but sometimes bacon and sausages, then drive over to the compound. After a big facebook session with Olly Wilkins and Brendan Fairclough, we usually hit the pump track for a few hours. Lunch is usually at the local sandwich shop, ‘cos a fit girl works there, then we play micro scooter on the drive. After scootering, we drink a Monster then get to work on building at the pump track or riding the trick jump. Many stunts later, we usually go on a road ride or listen to a drum and bass CD and make the pump track better. There are plans to make a jacuzzi and sauna too. And as for foam pits, I don’t really ride them often, I think people rely too much on them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re good for tricks, but you need to ride jumps to improve your riding, not just learn tricks! Too many riders these days can barely ride the jumps but can flip whip the last set. Not cool guys!

Who is your idol in the bike world? Do you like to derive influence from watching the movies and photos of other famous riders?

I like watching Olly Wilkins and Jimmy Pratt, they’re the most flowy riders in the world. Anyone having fun on a bike is good to watch, unless they can’t do the jumps, but still try and flip whip!


The English (UK) have a pretty strong group of dirt jumpers [Pilgrim, Pace, Pratt, Samson brothers, just to name a few]. Who do you see as the biggest rival?

Sam Pilgrim is obviously the man to beat right now! Probably one of the best comp riders in the world right now.

You beat him at Donington dirt jumping contest…What are your bigger plans for the next season? Maybe Crankworx Slopestyle event in Whistler, BC, Canada?

Who cares, I’m gunna ride and have fun! I want to win pump track national champs though.

You’re jumping huge jumps, doing massive whips, flips and many other crazy tricks… Do you ever feel fear?


Fair enough… But glory is only one part of a dirt jumper’s life, the brighter side… Let’s talk about this more darker side… Pain and injuries? Would you like to brag in front of us the list of your biggest bails, crashes and broken bones?

Dislocated my collar bone 360ing a bigggg jump [note: Big in Bavaria event]. All the rest are cuts and bruises…

Lucky you! Keep it that way! What is your the most fav’d trail here in the UK? Also, where would you like to come back or visit some time in the future?

Compound is the best, Wisely are good too and Redhill 4x track is mint. Hafjell in Norway is my favorite riding place in the world right now, hopefully I’ll go back next year!

Damn, Hafjell is a dream place… Anything that you would like to shout out to all the dudes out there?

Buy a DMR and don’t ride too much foam pit!

Thank you, King Reynolds

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