Here are Peaty’s thoughts on the day:

Yeah it was good fun. It’s always good fun riding with those boys because we used to do a lot of filming back in the day.
Where was Rob Warner?
Rob Warner’s just soft! He blamed it on his kids but that’s not it really. He had to dye his beard the night before and he’s still had dye all over his face so he didn’t want to leave the house.
What’s the story with Rat’s no-foot can?

Ratboy did try a no-foot can over a double but it wasn’t really big enough so he just got stuck at the side of his bike, ran it out and landed on his knees. It was good to see Ratboy riding, he was riding so confident and flat out that day.
I was messing around, I just rode flat pedals and played round. I had a crash actually – quite a few, it was slick. All the boys were struggling because it was that slippy. It was just a good day out in the woods filming with the boys
Who took the biggest bail?
Probably me I think. Me or Pagey. Old boys showing the young ‘uns how to crash.

What was your favourite moment from the day?
Just meeting up with the boys and heading up to the woods to have a laugh. Every run was just following each other shouting and screaming. It was that slick we were all just swapping coming into turns and having a laugh and having a good day.