What has been the biggest lesson the company has learnt in the industry?
“Stay true to yourself! It’s the only way to be taken seriously”.
(Nana Fritz)
What do you dislike about working in the bike industry?
“All the beer drinking and bike riding from 9 to 5. It’s exhausting! When your passion becomes your job, you don’t get a break, ever. It’s constantly on your mind. 24/7”. (Nana Fritz)

What has been your favourite moment of Dirt’s history?
“Issue 160” (Sean Reynolds)

What would you like to see from Dirt over the next 20 years?
“More bonfires being roosted”.
(Sean Reynolds)
How were you first introduced to Dirt?
“Headfirst. Feet followed. And it did hurt. Seriously!”
(Andi Lipp)
What has Dirt taught you over the years?
“Welcome to the dark side! We have beer and girls!”
(Andi Lipp)
What would be the first question you would ask Dirt?
“Do you have any stickers?”
(Andi Lipp)
Press releases or journalism?
“Journalism, for sure”.
(Andi Lipp)
Who have been your favourite riders of the past 20 years?
“Matt Hunter, Stevie Smith, Antoine Bizet”
(Nana Fritz)

“Nicholas Crane” (Sean Reynolds)
What Rider has most pushed the boundaries over the past 20years?
“Everyone who has ever mastered the bunnyhop”.
(Sean Reynolds)
What has been your favourite or most memorable race?
“On TV? Danny Hart’s run in Champery, back in 2011”.
(Andi Lipp)

What does the next 20 years bring for mountain biking?
“It puts you in your place, whether that’s hitting adrenalin button or being one with yourself and nature”.
(Sean Reynolds)
What’s your opinion on E-Bikes?
“Call me an idealist or dreamer or whatever, I simply hope that the increasing number of E-Bikes – both E-Mountain bikes and regular E-Bikes – affects or will affect individual human transportation in every day life. If E-Bikes will somehow become what cars are today, I’m 100% pro E-Bikes.
In terms of Mountain biking or E-Mountain biking, it depends on how they are used. And that is just similar to regular bikes: If you behave with respect while shredding in open nature – all good. If not – f**k off!”
(Andi Lipp)