Next up the Mavic ladder of strength are these SX’s, and once again they offer a great blend of strength, weight, and price.
At 1755g for the pair they’re still light enough to fit to a trail bike, but yet if they were available with a 150mm rear hub we’d be happy to run them on our DH bikes because they’re as hard as nails. Whether you choose these or the ST’s really comes down to how hard you are on wheels.
Most people would probably have no problems with the ST’s, but if like us you like taking your mid travel bike into territory that pushes it to the limit then a set of these are probably the better option. Certainly for enduro style DH races this is where we’d put our money, as wheels seem to suffer more than most during those kinds of events.
Price: £660.00
Mavic UK 01276 404 870