

Crankworx 5-a-day photos

Here you go, Seb Kemp casts his wry eye over Crankworx for our Friday installment:

I don’t remember this one but apparently this is Kurt Voreis and he was demonstrating the revolutionary prototype Camelback that he will be wearing in his next NWD film part. Here he is trying to tell me that my Dakine hucksack is inferior to Camelbacks range of hydration satchels. God knows why I’m wearing it. It’s just one continuous party at Crankworx. One minute you are riding your bike and the next minute you are swimming for your life at the bottom of a bottle of Jager.

Here’s your not quite daily picture of Jamie “Huckman” Tilbury. here he is demonstrating the technique that won him hordes of adoring fans in Thai back alley clubs back in his sordid past. Turbo gob job anyone?

There’s plenty of bikes to demo at Crankworx this year. I took a Trek Session 88 out for a pootle yesterday. Couldn’t possibly comment on its ability to go down hill (unless Trek wanna give me one for cheap) but I can say it creates quite the excitement in the crotch of TLD pajama wearers. Here is TM keeping the bike at arms length because he said when he gets a stiffy nothing within three feet is safe. Oh and he asked me to say he doesnt like the current all-in-one TLD trend either…he prefers Alpinestars range of clown outfits.

There’s a HUGE monster energy drink presence this year. They are handing out so many free drinks that the whole town is hopped up on liquid speed. They have also brought along a whole bevvie of hot chicks to make it even harder…to say no to another can of Monster. lots of free energy drinks and hot chicks is a dangerous combination for the hordes of under sexed bikers. Here is Calum and Tristan minutes before both been seen crouched over speeding fists.

Yesterday was the Air DH which is run down A-Line. Lopes won it for the third year. I tried to get a photo of him but he was way to fast…and besides the big news is that the one man circus pictured here actually finished a race. Meet Ginger Si, unofficially the most eccentric man in mountain biking and 5th place Amateur in the Air DH. Can you imagine how utterly mad this guy must be to be widely regarded as the most eccentric man in mountain biking? A sport so full of weirdos and miscreants that even participants at bloggers conventions point and laugh.

Kokanee Crankworx 5-a-day photos

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