

DirtTV:Champery Wednesday Pit Chit Chat

Wednesday in Champery was a hot slow day. Things happened very slowly. Track opened for walkies about 2 in the afternoon, teams are still arriving and setting up. Neko Mulally finally gets to race his first World Cup after his nasty arm injury, Sam Hill and Rachel Atherton are absent with injury, Brendan Fairclough is loving the track, Ben Reid’s wagon “ThunderTruck” shredded a timing belt and requires open heart surgery in the pits.

Stay tuned for the Parkinz DirtTV track walky coming later tonight if the Champery wifi holds up.
DirtTV:Champery Wednesday Chitter Chatter >>

The knackered cylinder head from Ben Reid’s Thundertruck, John Lawlor towed him the 20 miles into Champery and Dan Stanbridge drove over with a second hand unit which hopefully Ben’s dad will be able spoon back in this week.

Even though this bike has been all over the internet, today was the first time Brendan Fairclough had seen it, good job he loves the colours then.

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