More photos from day 1 here at Val Di Sole. (see here for part 1)
(Oh, and there’s a competition at the very bottom)

Syndicate, special Worlds paint job.

Sam Hill’s chrome dream machine.

The tyre of choice so far, the Wet Scream.

Two Irishmen, two ways of eating. Top, Lawless Lawlor pays 17 Euros for what he described as “…feckin prison food”
Below, Ben Reid cooking his own cheap healthy food aboard Thundertruck.
Photos:Vincent Van Flugal aka Victor Lucas.

The track is at a town called Daolasa, I’m staying 6km up the road in a town called Male (with a silent “Fe”), it’s a lovely old town , with loads of cafes and squares (not boffins, I mean the cobble stone squares what people sit in), anyway the trials mob have taken over all these little squares with their various hoppitty sections, looks real neat sandwiched in between the old buildings.

This is the World Champs mascot, not quite sure what he is, rat, beaver, squirrel, otter or stoat, possibly a weasel. Tell you what I’ll ask tomorrow, but whoever writes in to Billy@dirtmag (put World Champs Fluffy Thing as the subject) with the correct answer will win the little bugger. (I’ll buy one tomorrow)