All the latest news from Queenstown, New Zealand which this week features the Gorge Road Jam.
Episode 2- Satan
Words: Conor macfarlane.
Satan [ˈseɪtən]
n (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms) the devil, adversary of God, and tempter of mankind: sometimes identified with Lucifer

Queenstown’s Satan, AKA Nathan Greenwood, has constructed one hell of a jump park in the Wakatupu basin.
Hidden in the super secret location down Gorge Road, at the end of town and on your left…
Nath and the boys have been busy over summer and added a few new lines to the already huge jump park. To celebrate the opening for the season they had a jam; nothing to serious, pretty much just an excuse to have a ride with your mates and have a good time.

We woke up on the morning of the jam to perfect conditions, overcast and no wind, but of course we weren’t that lucky when it came time for the jam. Turns out Henry the Hurricane came to town in the afternoon and we got some pretty rowdy winds; which to say the least were hard to try and combat during the jam, but everyone made the most of it.
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Standout riders would have to be old dog Brett Frew (who just happens to be one of the brothers who started and organize the Farm Jam every year) and young gun Mitch Slammell. They both rode every line with plenty of steeze and tricks (despite the wind). I can’t forget to mention Pavedogs sweet nose cases either.

The whole flat made an appearance at the jam, even Adrian who had called in sick for the day; although he was outed by the paper with a large photo of him being ‘sick’ at the dirt jumps. Carrying on with the theme of newspapers I somehow managed on the front page of the Southland Times; surely there was better news to go on the cover…

After the Jump jam we headed back to the flat, cracked a few standard NZ sized beers and had a good old barbie. Adrian had unfortunately poured me a “yardy” the night before so I tried my best to down that and from what I remember the rest of the night was pretty sweet.
A little bit of bad news this week, Andy (man gold) tried his hand at dirt jumping which resulted in a broken collar bone. Heal up fast!
Big thanks to Stefan Haworth for the pictures, check out his blog at