Remember back in June 2005 at Willingen? Two Honda RN-1 bikes without gearboxes belonging to Matti Lehikoinen and Greg Minnaar were stolen from a team vehicle.
The Honda blog at the time reported:
“The week started terribly for the team on Wednesday night when the two RN01 race bikes for riders Matti Lehikoinen and Greg Minnaar were stolen from a team vehicle, but fortunately this was without the technically innovate gear boxes, thus making the bikes useless to the thieves or anyone else. The mechanics and technical staff worked tirelessly to build up two new bikes in time for practice on Thursday morning, and they were only one hour late getting the riders on course.”
(Minnaar still won the race)
Well, one of them has just turned up on the German Ebay.
Hopefully the authories will be breaking down doors and making some arrests.

Stolen Honda RN-1 on Ebay