Dirt Columist Seb Kemp, is out in Queenstown NZ giving us the low down on the Week of Wonder. What is the Week of Wonder? Check here.
So the Week of Wonder kicked off in Queenstown NZ with the Nzone BrakeBurner on Saturday…news on that to follow.
After a well deserved rest day for everyone the fun and games restarted with the Really Railing Rally Race in SEVEN MILE MTB RESERVE in Queenstown. 30 minutes before the scheduled start time the weather broke and dampened the riders but not their spirits. heres a 5 A DAY style photo montage of the preceedings. Photos supplied by James Allen.

The format was a multi stage DH race. Joe Barnes managed to fight off text messages from teenage adoring fans for long enough to take the overall win. Fergus Lamb and Joe won all the stages between them. Must have been something about Seven Mile being like home… wet, greasy, and full of midges.

Jono Drew, former childrens TV wonder child, trying to figure out the spagehetti junction of mountain bike trails that make up the Seven Mile MTB recreation reserve in Queenstown.

A diverse range of riders turned out for the Really Railing Rally Race, even really long ones. Here we have literally and figuratively the biggest man in Kiwi freeride, Kelly McGarry, Blair Christmas who has an inside leg measurement in the triple figures and Tim Ceci who is 6ft 6” of tangerine mischief. Ben Cathro was also about, probably getting his hair tangled in the forest canopy.

The best thing about races is often the finish line. For this event the race was to finish next to the Lake Wakatipu, some riders went one step further and finished IN the Lake. Here Pete Miller dredged the lake and found this bicycle.

Here is simon smith, the most eccentric man in mountain biking, waiting for his bargain basement huck trawler the HMS Rotec.
Tuesdays event in the Week of Wonder is a ladies night at Coronet Peak. Free bubbly for the ladies. I think its going to be a popular one, most notably with the guys.
Queenstown NZ Week of Wonder