Okay here’s the score, a while back some old duffer rammed into my parked up van, sending it to the big scrap heap in the sky. Since then I met an old farmer, and swapped my cheese sandwich for his 1989 VW Caddy. It’s a lovely machine but as you can see she’s a boring, blank, white canvass crying out for a tin or two of neon Dulux Gloss or whatever they use these days.

Now this is the plan, seeing as I failed my GCSE art and design I need you lot to come up with a new wacky paint job for the old girl. It can be anything you like, in fact you could actually come down and do it yourself if you’re any good with an spray can, hey thats a good idea that is.

Here’s a quick idea that I knocked up on Photoshop to give you a flavour of things.
Send your enties to Billy@dirtmountainbike.com, I’m not sure what the prize is yet but we’ll find something, oh and hopefully the winning design will feature in Dirt magazine.
So get out your crayons and get scribbling.
Dirt pimp my ride competition