Okay here’s the score, a while back some old duffer rammed into my parked up van, sending it to the big scrap heap in the sky. Since then I met an old farmer, and swapped my cheese sandwich for his 1989 VW Caddy. It’s a lovely machine but as you can see she’s a boring, blank, white canvass crying out for a tin or two of neon Dulux Gloss or whatever they use these days.

Now this is the plan, seeing as I failed my GCSE art and design I need you lot to come up with a new wacky paint job for the old girl. It can be anything you like, in fact you could actually come down and do it yourself if you’re any good with an spray can, hey thats a good idea that is. Send your pics into Billy@dirtmountainbike.com
Check out a couple of these sweet designs, old Westwood would be jealous of these.

Craig Scott, with a contemporary green number.

Jimmy Doyle, wow this is the business, we like it a lot, although can this look be achieved on our £43.50 budget?
Daniel Esmond probably knows that this van will go up in flames after 20miles.
Andy Prince with a leggy offering.
Another from Jimmy Doyle.
Loic Delteil, like it, just needs a propeller on the front, oh and maybe some wings.
Nige Smith with some lovely graffiti.
Seb Muller from France, apparently chicken or ‘poulet’ is slang for the cops in French.
Steve Ellul reckons we can do this conversion for £50 from Halfords, does that include the ladies?
Dennis Harrison from Pembroke Dock with the skull look.
Graham Curtis with 2 tons of the finest Welsh soil in the back.
Tim Rowsell spent a lot of time on this one and did all the colouring himself.
Alex Rankin misunderstood and thought it was pimp my badger, he’s been working too hard on the ‘Fives’.
Jon Moore who is a big Dukes of Hazard fan, who’s Sara tho?
This ones from a guy known only as “Kolozsvári “, Russian maybe?
Will Snow, errr, i’ve still got to do my shopping in this you know.
Loic Delteil, whats the Hoff doing in my van?
Jon Vincent from London, he’s not allowed anything sharp only crayons, so he’s done jolly well.
Ruth Roberts, the vans quite clean, so the wife isn’t that dirty, old and knackered maybe.
Matt Ward, remember I might have to pick my Gran up in this.
Jon Gregory, quite handy, because I do often transport livestock around the village.

Chris Kimberley, knowing me-knowing you, ahaa, Alan Partidge anyone?
Huw Davies, the VW viking long ship.
Jon Gregory with another one, this one inspired by his bedroom wall paper.
James Bettinson, from the Ministry Of Silly Walks.

Sam Dale and Josh Bryceland, patrolling the ghettos of the North-West.
Danie Lategan, ‘I aint gettin on no plane fool’
Cameron Ross, Jonesy looks happy enough with the cow in the back.
Tom Geraghty, is that a tinted windscreen or just black paint?
Mike Redding, to an American like Mike a ‘Caddy’ means something else entirely, this is Mikes little run around.
Jamie Brockway with some North Shore action.

Tom Locke with some boyo on boy action.
Dave Broad, I think Dave might have hit the nail on the head here, cruel but inevitable.

Victor Lucas, with a bonfire special.

Matt Barnicott, ha, we’re back on track with some Caddy love.

Emyr Davies, sometimes it feels a bit like this round here.
James H. with some doodles.
David Jaquin
Neil Forrow, err, I don’t know what to say.
Tom Geraghty with a 1.04 inspired design
Jamie, with a steam driven model (powered by cheap magazines)
Tom Stockes, shitty chitty bang bang.

A half-arsed half-timbered affair from Mike Rose
Keep sending your jpegs into Billy@dirtmountainbike.com
dirt custom car competition