Part two in a new series that looks at the cars, vans, buses that we use to transport our bicycles around in.
James Robinson sent over news of Kate The LDV that he and several mates used on an epic European road trip last Summer.

This is our pikey wagon “Kate” a 2001 LDV Convoy Van, 2.5l transit engine, an estimated max speed of 65mph (due to the speedo being broken), Bought between 9 friends last April for £1000.
We bought the van for a two month Euro trip around the French and Swiss Alps with a trip down to Finale Ligure last summer.
We roughly covered 5000 miles during the trip, and stopped at 13 bike resorts.
When we bought the van it was bare, so over two months before the trip we serviced, and decked out the interior so that it was worthy of the two month trip.

The re-fit included bartering with scrap dealers for spares, extra seats, pikeying a gazebo onto the side of the van, crafting a raised deck floor, and lots of shelving. When complete the van could carry six people, twelve bikes, nine peoples luggage, bike spares and tools, camping equipment, and borrowed garden furniture set.
During our travels we had lots of good times, meetings lots of new people and most importantly shredded some epic alpine runs!

She broke down many times during our travels, including losing reverse gear only two weeks into the trip, the fuel line splitting and some major electrical issues.
However we managed to get her home with duct tape, zip ties and jubilee clips, and standard pikey mentality.
We sold Kate when we got back home for 855 quid! We are all university students so have no use for a van over the winter. So now Kate is currently a burger van, parked upon the A59, near York!
Have you got an uplift vehicle that you’re proud of? Yes? Then send an email to Billy