I know you’ve probably read about the Premier already, but my e-mail went wonky so I’ve only just got this.
Here’s the Press Release:
The U.K film premier will go down on Saturday the 17th of November at the Walkabout on Broad Street Birmingham. Huge cinema screen, plasma screens throughout the venue, even in the toilets whilst your splashing your shoes.
19:00 to 22:00 Film will start at 20:00 sharp!!
You can even get your dinner in there.
£2.00 Entry on the door.
Strictly over 18’s – Everyone to bring I.D: Passport or current driving license.
Dress Code – It’s Saturday night! Best trainers and tee-shirt (Ironed by your Mom), probably best not to wear a cap/beanie etc.. Gel your hair!
You can then stay in the club till 03:00 if you can still stand.
Where’s the Walkabout?