

New Dirt website, what do you think?

Dave the Electrician, Ron the Plumber and Trev the Plasterer have rebuilt the Dirt website!

I tell you what, planning permission for this one took a while, the old website had been around for so long it was classified as a listed building. But once the council gave us the green light for a renovation and the bats were safely rehoused and the tea urn and biscuits had been ordered then Dave, Ron, Trev and the rest of the crew turned up to work some of their magic.

So wipe your shoes or tyres and come on in for a complimentary pint of cider and pork pie for a look around.
It’s still early days, the paints a bit wet, some of the pipes are leaking and I swear I got electrocuted by the bare wire in the bog. But aside from some expected teething problems we’re very happy with the job the builders have done and hope you like it too.

In between cups of sweet milky tea Dave The Electrician told me: “Well geezer, see it’s like this, the new site is just the dogs b******s all round, it gives tablet users & mobile users a much better experience altogether. Plus the new Mpora video player has been souped up, it now has new features like the 3 second rewind button, slowmo, screengrab and the ability to skip beyond the buffer plus mobile support. It’s a pucker job.”

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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