Another scorcher of a day, is it still p-ing down back home? We took the lift to Pic Blanc which is blumin high (3500m) and the start of the Mega. Good news is, there is loads of snow, yippee. First thing in the morning its quite tasty, freshly piste-bashed and still crisp, Good conditions for a fast rag down, later in the day it gets rutted up a treat , making it blumin tricky. I got a little to cocky with speed this morning, hit a patch of icy ruts, got into a high speed tank slapper and was thrown clean off for a mouthfull of the white stuff.

thats not blood ,thats the where the course goes

the contrast of riding terrain is amazing, from snow, ice, and rocks to some of the sweetest single track ever, throw in some roots, fields and muddy stream beds and your nearly there, the above photo is the mile long traverse just outside Alpe d’Huez, about halfway.

One of the Monmouth posse, Dylan, shows off his death grip hands, mind you he did clock 60km/h in the woods.

met 4-cross king Eric Carter in the gondola, its his first time here but he seemed pretty amped by the whole thing. He’s going to be riding a brand new small travel Mongoose machine, i’ll get some pics of it tomorrow.

the best thing about the Mega tho, is the breakfasts, look they actually give you cake for breakfast, how good is that????
mega avalanche dirt mag