Monday mornings are hard enough to deal with even without running out of tea bags. After cleaning the mud out of everything from the weekend at Moelfre, answering phone calls from folk who had their bikes stolen (rare Schwinn Straight 8 if you see it), and opening threatening letters from the bank, I went to make a cup of tea only to find we had run out.
10 minutes later the postie arrives with a big parcel. I open it and can you believe it, it contained tea bags and biscuits. Result.
The parcel was sent by hardtail loon Ace “The Jacket” Woodley who used to communicate via that 1950’s device the tele-mail thing, check out the photo below.

Tea and biscuits is a great way to start a Monday morning.

I used to receive emails from Ace that said “message sent by Amstrad Telephone”. I’ve heard of Blackberries and all that but this is ridiculous ain’t it?
Monday biscuits