Your weekly hot and cold buffet selection from the big double u double u double u.
Yep, squeeeze up, room for two more at the back, remember, no bombing, diving or petting please.

The future of cycling.
How about some cycle speedway at World Cups? This looks ace.
African flatland is where it’s at. Part two here.

Mr Cooper.
Just bonkers. If you like music then you’ll like StSanders.

The descent of zombie.
Little Big Berlin from pilpop on Vimeo.
Chris from RHUK spotted this great tilt shift vid on a rainy Tuesday afternoon.
(I know it’s hard to concentrate with that awfull image below, but try)

Haven’t seen anything like that since this morning.
If you only watch one of these videos today, I’d say watch this. High 5!!!
The Ryder Cup started today in the pissing rain just down the road in Newport.
So here is Goldie Lookin Chain with a parody of the “Newport (Ymerodraeth State of Mind)” parody of the Jay-Z “Empire State of Mind”
Have a good weekend folks.