Since it is Valentines day on Sunday I thought I’d make this a Valentines special.
I got as far as a Barry White video then ran out of love.

Saw this on howies, get voting for the RobinHoodTax

Somebody sent me this, not sure what it’s about but it involves Tom Selleck, a sandwich and a waterfall. More here.

Some Steam Punk
Philberts Phriday Photographer.
My Grandpa once told me a story of how he and his brother jumped onto a moving freight train
on the outskirts of Thunder Bay. They rode on the roof of a grain car for 2 days with a group
of American Indians who kept them in food and water and eventually they ended up in Toronto.
The year was 1928. He was 8 and his brother was 10. When they phoned their Mom she went
mental…and told them to get on the next train home.
Steve McCurry has taken some beautiful train pictures.
Sean Burns Video Bike Check from Eclat BMX on Vimeo.
One of the best bike check videos I’ve seen.

Bear in Taxi

Bud Light | “Clothing Drive” commercial

Think this is something I would do.
Phat slo mo
Metropolis by Rob Carter – Last 3 minutes from Rob Carter on Vimeo.
Metropolis is a quirky and very abridged narrative history of the city of Charlotte, North Carolina.
An alternative Valentine song, Pil “This is Not a Love Song”
Have a nice weekend.