Well it had to be didn’t it? The weirdness portal that is the internet has this week provided us with some pageant winning beauties that will no doubt perfectly remedy your last day of the working week. After all it’s almost time to go out razzing in the woods! First up, some people have far too much time on their hands, check these mental carved creations from pumpkingutter.com.
Even if you decided not to carve a pumpkin then you may well have dressed up and gone a party full off folk in some monstrous outfits. This guy has his costume and party transport dialled… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95wDg9IwVUM But there is always another level to any costume, this is amazing, worth waiting for the two guys running and their reaction which probably ended in some browning of the running shorts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB8D2QZ9lA4 Now the real horror of where a Happy Meal comes from, well a different take on it anyway… http://vimeo.com/77393220
And now for some music, courtesy of The Specials.
No doubt some of you will be going to fireworks displays too this weekend, this is stuff for the pro’s but clearly this guy thinks he has fireworks mastered. Needless to say, he doesn’t…
And to finish with, if you are all over Halloween already then this pumpkin feels the same! Happy Friday!