Dirt Photographer Grant Robinson is in charge of this weeks Friday Randoms. I’m way busy and Grant has been lying on his sofa surfing the web high on painkillers this week after an ankle operation. (Check out the photo below)
Grant says:
So it’s Friday eh?
News to me…until Billy called and said so…I’ve got some really nice pills from my doctor that are meant to help with the pain, which they do..
They have also helped me to become a vegetable for the past week unaware of most things never mind what day it is.
I’ve gone under the knife for what is the third and hopefully the last attempt at putting my foot back together.
Just remember kids, when you attempt to jump the bars don’t catch your toes…..
Grant is having a zip sewn on to his ankle seeing as it’s been opened up that many times.
Keepin’ my genetic partners happy with agratuitous plug.
Some A+ recovery skills.

I know it’s very low brow and most of the DIRT readers are beyond this but I’m sure at least one of you will find it amusing.
We start with the best and if you want more you can follow the link on the page.

The BMX’ers will know this guy, I’ll buy a magazine if any of his work is in it as I never tire of his style.
His photos are beautifully composed yet manage to look like they’ve been shot from the hip.
Orginally from Scotland but now living in the ‘ol US of A it’s Sandy Carson.
Poor mutt.
What I bought on holiday this summer.
My dad on holiday this summer.
The animals are finally gettin’ their own back.
This may be why Jared Graves has such a good gate.