Today’s randoms are brought to you with the help of Kenco pure Columbian coffee, Prince William and Kate Middleton celebratory biscuit selection and work experience lad Ben Winder.
I think we need a bigger boat…I mean car.
Philberts Phriday Photographer.
At first glance this photographer’s work may seem like a lot of others.
But on closer inspection, you will find that in fact a lot of other’s work is just like his.
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then Bill Owens gets flattered an awful lot.
He is most famous for his work in 60’s and 70’s America when the post WWII boom was making way for an explosion in suburban population and development.
Cultural ‘working class’ were becoming material ‘middle class’ and bringing their lack of taste along with them.
Bill Owens was there to capture it and in doing so has become one of the photographers whose work is now historical reference to a time the world will never see again.
Still working and producing beautiful pictures you should treat yourself and go to his website.
Philbert says Happy Phriday!!
Dog Conga.
Flimsy hardware or the poetry of life?
Is this real? Dynamite surfing.

Emo Llama
Like cycling? Like rowing? You’ll love this!
Forget jet skis…jet packs are where it’s at!

Crystal meth
But can they do this with a pint of Guinness?
Todays theme is mashups, post your song mashup links below and I’ll add them to the playlist.
Run DMC vs. Guns n`Roses – Tricky Child O’ mine
From Jason G: The Prodigy VS Beastie Boys- Voodoo Sabotage
Mcmeta666: Beatles/Nine Inch Nails – Come Closer Together
That’s all for this week folks. Have a great weekend!!!