Here’s a couple of bits and bobs that I found on the hard shoulder of the internet superhighway this morning.
Apparently there’s 4000+ still images here and yes they did jump all those times.
RedBull: Flip over Kamaz Truck >>
A pair of Russian’s goofing about, FMX rider Alexey Kolesnikov and Dakar 2010 winner Vladimir Chagin.

Bus stop thing.
Wedding photographer takes the plunge.
One time Philbert was walking through a field behind ASDA supermarket and he saw some mushrooms growing up through the grass…he was hungry and decided the fungi would make a good snack so he picked some and ate them.
About 15 minutes later he had to sit down because his perception of the world around him had changed entirely…
He blamed it on the mushrooms.
Fast forward a few years and Philbert stumbled across a website that made him think…
Erik Johnasson was walking through a field behind ASDA supermarket and he saw some mushrooms growing
up through the grass…he was hungry…

Skids and wheelies aren’t even on the chart.
Looks like giant jelly fish to me.

You can always rely on FYD for some colourful stuff.
The Big Picture at Boston.Com have some great photo’s, checkout there Summer series.
To finish with, Big Mike has dipped into his retro record collection and come up with a few of his favourites tunes from the past.
Dinosaur Jr covering the Cure classic Just Like Heaven
The Breeders-CannonBall
Iggy Pop I wanna be your dog live Paris 1991