I remember last bonfire night me and my mate got caught by the police, he was drinking battery acid and I was smoking fireworks, they charged him but let me off.
We’ve got to start with a firework display, Dirt’s Your Neck correspondent Phil Read sent in this record breaking beauty…
…the happy German disco tune makes this near fatal eye brow singing explosion quite fun.
Another Phil Read find….design your own bike. I knocked up this beauty in 10 seconds, rides like a dream.
Click BikeCAD to design your very own machine.
Four your eyes only
Holy hail stones!

Yeh man!
Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer – Straight Outta Surrey
Robot of the week.
Japanese Spiderman
Rat/weasel thing of the week.
No photoshopping here, the recent earthquake in New Zealand, 7.0 on Richter scale, bent these rails with out disrupting the surroundings.
Athur Brown-Fire
The Prodigy – Firestarter
Chilli Peppers covering Jimi’s Fire.